There are several different types of overhead cranes that are available. Learn about these different type of overhead cranes below.
An overhead crane built on a gantry (movable framework supporting large equipment), the smallest can move a few tons and are quite mobile, while the largest are often used at shipping and container yards.
These cranes look much like an upside-down letter “I” and are usually floor mounted via either their own support or a building’s support beam. They are ideal for doing multiple lifts over short distances because they are equipped with an
electric chain hoist and can be rotated by hand.
These cranes are built inside of a building and use the building’s structure as its support. Their hoist enables them to move left or right, while the track they are on will allow them to move backward and forward through a building.
Bridge cranes with their own floor-mounted supports, they are ideal for companies that only need to life materials in just one part of a building.
The hoist of these cranes move up and down instead of side to side. The rail can be adjusted for curves, which make these cranes quite useful when you have to work around specific structures within your factory.
Also known as single girder and double girder bridge cranes. “Top running” and “under running” refers to how these cranes are mounted within your building. Top-running cranes are cheaper to operate, but only are feasible if your factory or building has a high ceiling to which it can be mounted.
Contact us to learn more about our cranes and other equipment in our inventory.